PvP Arena
This is the first mode of the game, in which players can participate with non-NFT Heroes deck. Players will be matched with other players based on their PvP Rank to engage in a match.
In this mode, players can earn eCGC after each match, depending on their PvP Rank and NFT-Heroes in team. For low level matches, they can only get a very small amount of eCGC. The higher PvP Rank the players are, the more eCGC they can get.
eCGC earned in this mode will based on the Points table below. The formula can be found on Earn section: https://docs.heroestd.io/gameplay/earn
You can see the most recent matches on the wiki.
From (Ranking Points) | To (Ranking Points) | Points earned on each match |
0 | 799 | 0 Point |
800 | 999 | 1 Point |
1000 | 1199 | 2 Points |
1200 | 1399 | 3 Points |
1400 | 1599 | 4 Points |
1600 | 1899 | 5 Points |
1900 | 2199 | 6 Points |
2200 | 2499 | 7 Points |
2500 | 2899 | 8 Points |
2900 | 3299 | 9 Points |
3300 | 10 Points |
Last updated